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Meterai Tempel 15 Sen - Revenue Stamp

Meterai = Pajak.

Meterai bukan buat kirim surat tapi sebagai bukti syahnya sebuah dokumen bila dipakai sebagai bukti hukum.

Boleh saja kuitansi tanpa meterai tapi yang mengeluarkan atau yang menyerahkan uang tentu tidak mau jika penerima uang tidak membubuhi meterai karena bukti syah nya serah terima uang ya dengan meterai itu.

Lalu bagaimana jika sebuah dokumen pada saat terjadinya proses aktivitas belum di bubuhi meterai lalu di kemudian hari dipakai sebagai bukti perkara. Yang demikian bisa di bubuhi meterai dikemudian hari atau pada saat dibutuhkan, tentu saja pemeteraian itu akan syah jika di legalisir oleh pejabat yang ditunjuk oleh pemerintah.

Apa di negara lain ada meterai, ya ada cuma beda nama. (Revenue Stamp)


Revenue stamps are stamps used to collect taxes and fees. They are issued by Governments, national and local, and by official bodies of various kinds. They take many forms and may be gummed and ungummed, peforated or imperforate, printed or embossed, and of any size. In many countries, they are as detailed in their design as banknotes and they are often made from the same type of paper. The high value of many revenue stamps means that they may contain security devices to prevent counterfeiting.


The use of revenue stamps goes back further than that of postage stamps (first used in 1840); the stamps of the Stamp Acts of the 18th century were revenues. Their use became widespread in the 19th century, partly inspired by the success of the postage stamp, and partly motivated by the desire to streamline government operations, the presence of a revenue stamp being an indication that the item in question had already paid the necessary fees. Revenue stamps have become less commonly seen in the 21st century, with the rise of computerization and the ability to use numbers to track payments accurately.

There are a great many kinds of revenue stamps in the world, and it is likely that some are still uncataloged. Both national and local entities have issued them. In certain periods government have combined the uses of postage and revenue stamps, calling them "postal fiscals" or inscribing them "Postage and Revenue".


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